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Rotary Club of Oakland Civic Luncheon Meeting, December 3, 2020

Rotary Club of Oakland Civic Luncheon Meeting, December 3, 2020

President Ces Butner called our 5,319th “Civic Thursday” meeting order and welcomed all of our Zoom guests.

Pres. Ces reported he has put to good use the recommendations from our speaker, Magician Dennis Kyriakos, on what technology to use to look your best on Zoom. He has a new circular light, computer stand, and a backdrop. You looked great, Ces!

To highlight the Community Service Committee’s work, Kim Cohn read a quote from M.F.K. Fisher: “It seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot straightly think of one without the others.”

Lorna Padia Markus was the meeting sponsor today, featuring her firm, Mowat, Mackie & Anderson. A CPA for 30 years, Lorna has seen tax policies change over many Presidential administrations.

Georgia Richardson introduced our speaker, Chef Nikki Shaw. The multi-talented Ms. Shaw is not just a chef. She is actively involved in community teaching nutrition, healthy eating, and self-care. Nikki emphasized the importance of getting 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. In this time of Covid-19, it’s important not to neglect our health.

Missed our meeting but interested in checking out the next one?

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