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Rotary Club of Oakland Civic Luncheon Meeting - July 8, 2021

Rotary Club of Oakland Civic Luncheon Meeting, July 8, 2021

The traditional procession that begins each new Rotary year was led by President Dudley Thompson. He was accompanied by members of the Rotary Club of Oakland Board and trustees of the Oakland Rotary Endowment. The procession started at the back of the Ballroom and proceeded to the front, as everyone in the room gave a standing ovation to the leadership group.

Past President Linda Boessenecker called the Civic Thursday meeting of the 3rd oldest Rotary Club in the world to order from the California Ballroom. We are celebrating the inauguration of our 113th President Dudley Thompson.

Marie Saverimuthu led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. She also presented two thoughts for the day. Nelson Mandela: “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived, it is what difference we have made to the lives of others.” Mother Teresa: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

Past President Linda gave us a biography of President Dudley Thompson. President Dudley introduced members of the Rotary Club of Oakland Board and members of the Oakland Rotary Endowment Trustees. The officers, in addition to President Dudley, are Mary Geong, President-Elect; Michael Bruck, Secretary; Lorna Padia Markus, Treasurer, and Ces Butner, Immediate Past President.

He also introduced our Executive Administrator, Jesse Bowdle, and encouraged members to introduce themselves since most have not met him in person. He encouraged us to consider Jesse our best friend in the Club. He thanked Past-Presidents Peter Sherris and Ces Butner for their leadership and accomplishments for the past two very challenging years.

SERVE TO CHANGE LIVES will be the Club’s theme. It also is Rotary International’s theme.

Our very own Ana-Marie Jones was the recent keynote speaker at a Rotary seminar on how to approach the reopening of clubs. She shared some key concepts and great encouragement. First of all, she told us to prepare to be our BEST selves. We can rise to any challenge. Then she identified concepts to carry us forward.

Pres. Dudley spoke of the honor to serve as President and laid forth his three goals for this year.

1) Keep us all together and safe,

2) Continue to make Rotary the best service organization in the world, and

3) Encourage all of us to become more engaged by joining a committee and participating in all that Rotary has to offer and invite a friend to join.

Environment, the newest pillar of Rotary International, will be the focus of his speaker gifts. Finally, he pledges to serve seriously, but not somberly.

Missed our meeting but interested in checking out the next one?

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#serviceaboveself #rotaryinternational #rotaryclubofoakland #rotaryopensopportunities

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