02/15/2024 12:30 PM
02/15/2024 01:30 PM
CIVIC THURSDAY CLUB MEETING - Speaker Ora Clay - African-American Quilt Guild of Oakland
1736 Franklin Street, California Ballroom (2nd floor), Oakland, CA, 94612
In Person In the Ballroom or VIA ZOOM AND FACEBOOK LIVE
Executive Administrator
Jesse Bowdle
Register For This Meeting https://www.eventbrite.com/e/civic-thursday-ora-clay-african-american-quilters-guild-of-oakland-tickets-795128028337?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
In Person In the Ballroom or VIA ZOOM AND FACEBOOK LIVE
CIVIC THURSDAY CLUB MEETING - Speaker Ora Clay - African-American Quilt Guild of Oakland
Thursday, February 15th, 2024 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Ora Clay is a local treasure with a special talent around quilting. Her quilts have been featured around the world and some of her most powerful quilts have shared a message about history and social justice. Ora will also have a couple of quilts on display in the ballroom. You don't want to miss this special presentation. To learn more abuot Ora's special talent, please visit her website quilts-by-ora.com
Feb 15, 2024
12:30PM to 1:30PM
1736 Franklin Street
California Ballroom (2nd floor)
Oakland, CA 94612
One block from the 19th Street BART station