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Rotary Club of Oakland Civic Luncheon Meeting - May 6, 2021

Rotary Club of Oakland Civic Luncheon Meeting, May 6, 2021

President Ces Butner welcomed all to the 5,338th Civic Thursday meeting from the podium in the California Ballroom. This is a first in the club’s history – a hybrid meeting of in-person and virtual attendees. He noted it has been 60 weeks since we last met in person. Only nine people were in the ballroom as the very busy Audio-Visual team, co-chaired by Sandeepa Nayak and Jack Iles, and key leaders brought us together. Only Scott Bowhay and President Ces spoke from the Ballroom. Everyone else was on Zoom.

Rotarian Scott Bowhay saluted the resilience of Rotarians, who have continued to serve the community despite COVID-19 restrictions. While sharing the thought of the day he said, "We Rotarians have never been more needed. There are people here in Oakland who need our help."

Kathleen Sims updated us about the Rotary Casino Night on May 22nd. Reminders have gone out via US mail and email. Tickets are $100 each and the attendee gets 25 chips.

Purchase tickets at https://www.biddingowl.com/OaklandRotaryEndowment.

C J Hirshfield introduced the speaker, Gary Meyer, a co-founder of the Telluride Film Festival. He talked about the recent Oscar Awards Ceremony, the expanded diversity in film, both on and offscreen, and the future of brick and mortar theaters, post-pandemic.

Missed our meeting but interested in checking out the next one?

Click here to learn more: https://www.oakland-rotary.org/calendar

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